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Agendas & Minutes > Agenda January 9, 2012
Agenda January 9, 2012
Jan 11, 2012 --


January 9, 2012

The Regular Meeting of the Webster Parish Police Jury will be held as follows:

DATE:                 MONDAY, January 9, 2012

TIME:                  10:30 A.M.


                                                                WEBSTER PARISH COURTHOUSE                                                                                                   410 Main Street, MINDEN, LOUISIANA   71055


2012 – 2015 TERM OF JURORS – Oath Of Office- Webster Parish Police Jury

District # 1:  Bruce Blanton                 District # 5: Perry Kirkland                                District # 9: Jerri M. Lee

District # 2: Allen Gilbert                    District # 6: Jim Bonsall                      District #10: Vera Davison

District # 3: Daniel Thomas                                District # 7: Steve Lemmons                               District #11: Steve Ramsey

District # 4: Randy Thomas                 District # 8: Charles Odom                  District #12: Charles Walker






  1. Election of Officers for the year 2012
  2. President
  3. Vice President


  1. Set Day and Time for Regular Police Jury Meetings to be held Monthly.


  1. Signature Resolution authorizing the President and the Secretary-Treasurer to sign documents on behalf of the Webster Parish Police Jury.


  1. Additions to the agenda:  
  2. # 16.  Appoint Ronda Carnahan,  Secretary-Treasurer for a 2-year Term  2012 - 2013

           Appoint Lisa Balkom,  Asst. Secretary-Treasurer for a 2-year Term 2012 - 2013


  1. Adopt the minutes from the December 6, 2011 Finance Committee Meeting, the December 6, 2011 Road Committee Meeting, and  the December 6,  2011 Regular Meeting.


  1. Approve invoices for payment:  January 9, 2012: Steve Lemmons; Vera Davison, Bruce Blanton


  1. Adopt the 4th quarter, 2011  budget amendments of the Webster Parish Police Jury.


  1. Adopt the 2012  Budget of the Webster Parish Police Jury with actual brought forward figures.. 


  1. Approve Audit Engagement of Allen Green and Williamson for the 2011 Audit of Financials, and to engage Jamison,  Wise,  and Martin, CPA for preparation of Trial Balance and other CPA duties.


  1. Public Works request:
  2. Town of Sarepta, Emergency Resolution – to ratify action


  1. Resolution:  Community Water Enrichment Fund Grant:
  2. Doyline Water Works - $6,610.00
  3. Bistineau Water Works - $34,200.00
  4. Germantown Water Works - $35,000.00
  5. Jenkins Water Works - $25,000.00


  1. Board Appointments:
  2. Springhill Fire District #11:  To appoint Joey Montondo to a 2 year term- Police Jury Representative to replace Tony Seney.

Springhill Fire District #11: To appoint Bryan Montgomery to a term of 1 year – Mr. Montgomery will fill the position of Danny Mason, whose term ended.

  1. Sarepta Water:  To reappoint Andy Hanson to a 5 year Term effective January 7, 2012- pending paperwork from the Board.
  2. Dixie Inn Fire District #7:  To reappoint Gary Greene to a 1 year term.
  3. Cotton Valley Fire District #8:  To appoint Mr. Hershell Jones to a two year term filling the unexpired term of Mr. Perry Kirkland.


  1. Approving the call for an election of the Cullen Fire Protection District #6 to authorize the incurring of debt and issuance of bonds.


  1. Cooperative Endeavor:  Webster Parish/Bossier Parish to assist Pine Country- 2011; to ratify action


  1.  Chesapeake Entergy, Ms. Jennifer Voisin



                Fran Harvey, Community Services                                  Lynn Dorsey, WP C.T.B.

                Wanda Finley, Head Start                                                 Joan Almond, WP LSU Ag

                Beverly Hammett, Library                                                                COL Carl Thompson, National

                Susan Baird, Webster Humane Association                  John Stanley, OEP/HS Dir.




                                                                                                Ronda C. Carnahan         

          Ronda C. Carnahan


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact                 Ronda C. Carnahan               at 318-377-7564 , describing the assistance that is necessary.




Webster Parish Police Jury   -   Webster Parish Courthouse Annex

401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax